Voice discrimination in quiet and in background noise by simulated and real cochlear implant users

Michal Levin, Yael Zaltz*

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1 Scopus citations


Purpose: Cochlear implant (CI) users demonstrate poor voice discrimination (VD) in quiet conditions based on the speaker’s fundamental frequency (fo) and formant frequencies (i.e., vocal-tract length [VTL]). Our purpose was to examine the effect of background noise at levels that allow good speech recognition thresholds (SRTs) on VD via acoustic CI simulations and CI hearing. Method: Forty-eight normal-hearing (NH) listeners who listened via noise-excited (n = 20) or sinewave (n = 28) vocoders and 10 prelingually deaf CI users (i.e., whose hearing loss began before language acquisition) participated in the study. First, the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) that yields 70.7% correct SRT was assessed using an adaptive sentence-in-noise test. Next, the CI simulation lis-teners performed 12 adaptive VDs: Six in quiet conditions, two with each cue (fo, VTL, fo + VTL), and six amid speech-shaped noise. The CI participants per-formed six VDs: One with each cue, in quiet and amid noise. SNR at VD testing was 5 dB higher than the individual’s SRT in noise (SRTn +5 dB). Results: Results showed the following: (a) Better VD was achieved via the noise-excited than the sinewave vocoder, with the noise-excited vocoder better mimicking CI VD; (b) background noise had a limited negative effect on VD, only for the CI simulation listeners; and (c) there was a significant association between SNR at testing and VTL VD only for the CI simulation listeners. Conclusions: For NH listeners who listen to CI simulations, noise that allows good SRT can nevertheless impede VD, probably because VD depends more on bottom-up sensory processing. Conversely, for prelingually deaf CI users, noise that allows good SRT hardly affects VD, suggesting that they rely strongly on bottom-up processing for both VD and speech recognition.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)5169-5186
Number of pages18
JournalJournal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research
Issue number12
StatePublished - Dec 2023


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