Unified picture of the algebra of strengths, SU(6)Wcurrents, and SU(6)Wstrong

L. Gomberoff*, L. P. Horwitz, Y. Ne'Eman

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5 Scopus citations


A unitary transformation is introduced which carries the entire set of integrated local current densities generating the group [U(6)×U(6)]βWcurrents [with diagonal subgroup SU(6)Wcurrents] into a newly defined [U(6)×U(6)]βWstrong [with diagonal subgroup SU(6)Wstrong] which commutes with the boost in the z direction and with the free-field Hamiltonian. Strong current-hadron scattering amplitudes are constructed and analyzed in the deep Regge region in order to extract the hadron couplings to vector and tensor Regge exchanges. This analysis is based upon a canonical algebra of strong bilocal currents which is not equivalent to the bilocal algebra of the current system.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)3545-3561
Number of pages17
JournalPhysical Review D
Issue number12
StatePublished - 1974


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