Moshe Ben-Bassat*, Richard W. Carlson, Vinod K. Puri, Max Harry Weil

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Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


A treatment protocol is viewed as a hierarchical structure of therapeutic modules. The lowest level of this structure consists of individual therapeutic actions. Combinations of individual actions define higher level modules, which we call routines. Routines are designed to manage limited clinical problems, such as the routine for fluid loading to correct hypovolemia. Combinations of routines and additional actions, together with comments, questions, or precautions organized in a branching logic, in turn, define the treatment protocol for a given disorder. Adoption of this modular approach may facilitate the formulation of treatment protocols, since the physician is not required to prepare complex flow-charts. This hierarchical approach also allows protocols to be updated and modified in a flexible manner. By use of such a standard format, individual components may be fitted together to create protocols for multiple disorders. The technique is suited for computer implementation. A protocol for acute pancreatitis is used to illustrate this technique.

Original languageEnglish
Number of pages36
StatePublished - 1978
EventAnnu Symp on Comput Appl in Med Care, 2nd, Proc - Washington, DC, USA
Duration: 5 Nov 19789 Nov 1978


ConferenceAnnu Symp on Comput Appl in Med Care, 2nd, Proc
CityWashington, DC, USA


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