Transport measurements in overdoped YBCO thin films

H. Castro*, G. Deutscher

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Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review


Temperature dependence of Hall constant RH and longitudinal resistivity ρxx have been measured in Ca-doped YBCO thin films with varying oxygen contents, with emphasis on the overdoped regime. RH vs. T data present a peak near Tc whose height reduces with doping and disappears at optimal doping. Unexpectedly, the peak reappears above optimal doping with a height that increases with doping. A similar behavior was observed in the parameters that fit cot(θH) vs. T to a parabola. They decrease smoothly with increasing doping in the underdoped region and present a peculiar peak in the overdoped region. This behavior might indicate the crossover to a new regime of transport properties in strongly overdoped HTSC. We discuss the possible origin and implications of these results.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)339-340
Number of pages2
JournalPhysica C: Superconductivity and its Applications
StatePublished - May 2003
Eventproceedings of the 23rd international conference on low temper - Hiroshima, Japan
Duration: 20 Aug 200227 Aug 2002


  • Hall effect
  • Overdoped samples
  • Superconductivity
  • Transport properties


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