The Topology of Auditory and Visual Perception, Linguistic Communication, and Interactive Written Discourse

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


In the first section of this article, a basic aspect of the spatial topology of auditory perception is contrasted with that of visual perception: Our ear is not sensitive to the direction from which it receives stimulus, while our eye is. This simple observation is shown to be of significance to the communicative characteristics of spoken vs. written language. Then, in the main part of the paper, this theoretical framework is applied to the domain of computer-mediated Interactive Written Discourse (IWD). It is shown that IWD incorporates topological perceptual characteristics of both spoken and written language, and it is argued that these characteristics should not be ignored or given up when synchronous textual CMC is technologically developed and upgraded.
Original languageAmerican English
StatePublished - 2005


  • Interactive Written Discourse
  • Spoken language
  • Written language
  • Perception


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