The prevalence of mitral valve prolapse in children with anxiety disorders

P. Toren*, S. Eldar, D. Cendorf, L. Wolmer, R. Weizman, R. Zubadi, S. Koren, N. Laor

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12 Scopus citations


Studies in adults have suggested a comorbidity of mitral valve prolapse and anxiety disorders, especially panic disorder. The nature of the association between these disorders is yet unclear. In the last years, case studies have appeared, reporting on the comorbidity of anxiety disorders and mitral valve prolapse in children. The present study evaluated the prevalence of mitral valve prolapse in children with anxiety disorders as compared to normal controls. The study group consisted of 52 children, 6-18 years old, with a diagnosis of panic disorder (9.6%), separation anxiety disorder (65.4%) and/or overanxious disorder (61.5%). Fifty-one normal age- and gender-matched healthy children served as controls. All participants were evaluated for the presence of mitral valve prolapse by cardiac auscultation and echocardiography. None of the 52 children with anxiety disorder and one of the 51 control children (1.96%) had mitral valve prolapse. There appears to be no association between childhood anxiety disorders and mitral valve prolapse. Whether children with panic disorder proper show a greater prevalence of mitral valve prolapse remains an open question. Implications to the association of mitral valve prolapse and panic disorder are discusssed.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)357-361
Number of pages5
JournalJournal of Psychiatric Research
Issue number4
StatePublished - 1999


  • Anxiety disorder
  • Childhood
  • Mitral valve vpolapse
  • Panic disorder


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