The kinetics of anodic oxide growth

S. P. Grinberg, Yoram Shapira, Z. Calahorra

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

4 Scopus citations


The process of anodic oxide growth has been investigated. It is shown that the obtained experimental results confirm the Fehlner-Mott oxidation model in the case of InSb, a typical compound of the III-V group. We also present a kinetic theory of the anion migration in the formed oxide. The theory is based on the following assumptions, (a) The only species which moves through the formed oxide is the OH-anion, (b) The chemical reactions of OH-with In3+and Sb3+cations take place simultaneously and independently, in a thin layer of the oxide/InSb interface. The resulting solution of the kinetic equations describes the anion distribution in the formed oxide. A simple expression for the rate of oxidation is obtained. Another possible application of the presented theory is suggested.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)305-310
Number of pages6
JournalPhilosophical Magazine Letters
Issue number6
StatePublished - Jun 1987


FundersFunder number
Center of Research for Environment, Energy and Water


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