The ideas behind self-consistent expansion

Moshe Schwartz*, Eytan Katzav

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16 Scopus citations


In recent years we have witnessed a growing interest in various non-equilibrium systems described in terms of stochastic nonlinear field theories. In some of those systems, like KPZ and related models, the interesting behavior is in the strong coupling regime, which is inaccessible by traditional perturbative treatments such as dynamical renormalization group (DRG). A useful tool in the study of such systems is the self-consistent expansion (SCE), which might be said to generate its own 'small parameter'. The self-consistent expansion (SCE) has the advantage that its structure is just that of a regular expansion, the only difference is that the simple system around which the expansion is performed is adjustable. The purpose of this paper is to present the method in a simple and understandable way that hopefully will make it accessible to a wider public working on non-equilibrium statistical physics.

Original languageEnglish
Article numberP04023
JournalJournal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment
Issue number4
StatePublished - 1 Apr 2008


  • Kinetic growth processes (theory)
  • Self-affine roughness (theory)


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