The function of intersegmental connections in determining temporal characteristics of the spinal cord rhythmic output

A. Ayali*, E. Fuchs, E. Ben-Jacob, A. Cohen

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

11 Scopus citations


Recent renewed interest in the study of rhythmic behaviors and pattern-generating circuits has been inspired by the currently well-established role of oscillating neuronal networks in all aspects of the function of our nervous system: from sensory integration to central processing, and of course motor control. An integrative rather than reductionist approach in the study of pattern-generating circuits is in accordance with current developments. The lamprey spinal cord, a relatively simple and much-studied preparation, is a useful model for such a study. It is an example of a chain of coupled oscillatory units that is characterized by its ability to demonstrate robust coordinated rhythmic output when isolated in vitro. The preparation allows maximum control over the chemical (neuromodulators and hormones) as well as neuronal environment (sensory and descending inputs) of the single oscillatory unit: the pattern-generating circuit. The current study made use of recently developed tools for nonlinear analysis of time-series, specifically neurophysiological signals. These tools allow us to reveal and characterize biological-functional complexity and information capacity of the neuronal output recorded from the lamprey model network. We focused on the importance of different types of inputs to an oscillatory network and their effect on the network's functional output. We show that the basic circuit, when isolated from short- and long-range neuronal inputs, demonstrates its full potential of information capacity: maximal variation quantities and elevated functional complexity. Morphological and functional constraints result in the network exhibiting only a limited range of the above. This constitutes an important substrate for plasticity in neuronal network function.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)236-246
Number of pages11
Issue number1
StatePublished - 15 Jun 2007


FundersFunder number
National Institute of Neurological Disorders and StrokeNS-39909, R01NS054271


    • central pattern generator
    • complexity
    • cross-correlation
    • lamprey


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