The effect of localized vibration during welding on the microstructure and mechanical behavior of steel welds

Ehud Ingram, Oz Golan, Rami Haj-Ali, Noam Eliaz*

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

15 Scopus citations


The use of vibratory welding is treated with some caution in the industry due to inconsistent beneficiary results. Here, a partial explanation is suggested by the differentiation between global vibrational effects (GVEs) and local vibrational effects (LVEs), and the latter is investigated experimentally. Two structural plates of steel are welded at three frequency/amplitude combinations using manual gas metal arc welding in an experimental setup that ensures only LVEs. After welding, tensile tests, microhardness tests, and metallurgical characterization are performed locally in the different welding zones and the results are compared to the non-vibrated welds. Novel use of digital image correlation (DIC) is implemented in tensile testing of welded samples, thus enabling the separate determination of local mechanical properties of the base metal, heat-affected zone and fusion zone of the same weld. LVE is found not to promote any distinct difference in weld properties, at least within the vibrational regimes studied. Nevertheless, depending on geometry and structural response, it is explained how vibratory welding may promote residual stress relief due to GVEs of the welded structure.

Original languageEnglish
Article number2553
Issue number16
StatePublished - 1 Aug 2019


  • Digital image correlation (DIC)
  • Global vibrational effect (GVE)
  • Local vibrational effect (LVE)
  • Rigid-body motion
  • Vibratory stress relief (VSR)
  • Vibratory weld conditioning


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