The Dynamics of Oral Lichen Planus: A Retrospective Clinicopathological Study

Ilana Kaplan*, Yael Ventura-Sharabi, Gavriel Gal, Shlomo Calderon, Yakir Anavi

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

67 Scopus citations


To evaluate disease dynamics, treatment results, and frequency of malignant transformation. Ten-year single center retrospective study. The study included 171 patients, 28-99 years old. Follow-up was 1-16 years. 49.5% exhibited changes in clinical presentation, with 19% yearly increase of probability for type shift. Index of extent (number of oral locations) showed a mean 40% decrease and 94.1% reported improvement. There were significant differences between treated and untreated patients (P = 0.012). Patients with or without systemic diseases had identical treatment requirements for oral lesions. The prevalence of SCC was 5.8%. Oral lichen planus constantly changes presentation and extent of involvement. The effect of systemic diseases was insignificant in the present study. There is a clear value for treatment to reduce the extent of lesions. The results indicate that all clinical forms of the disease need to be equally followed since the clinical presentation typically changes over time, while malignant transformation can occur in all forms.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)178-183
Number of pages6
JournalHead and Neck Pathology
Issue number2
StatePublished - Jun 2012


  • Classification
  • Malignant transformation
  • Oral lichen planus
  • Treatment


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