The design of the ILD forward region

Aharon Levya*

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


Following the decision to reduce the L∗ from 4.4 m to 4.1 m, the BeamCal had to be moved closer to the interaction point. Results of a study of how this affects the beamstrahlung and backward scattering backgrounds show that the e+e- pair background depositions from beamstrahlung at the BeamCal rises by 20%. The background from backscattered electrons and positrons in the inner pixel layers rises almost by a factor two, so does the number of photons in the tracker.

Original languageEnglish
StatePublished - 2016
Event2016 International Workshop on Future Linear Colliders, LCWS 2016 - Morioka, Japan
Duration: 5 Dec 20169 Dec 2016


Conference2016 International Workshop on Future Linear Colliders, LCWS 2016


FundersFunder number
Israel German Foundation
Horizon 2020 Framework Programme654168, AIDA-2020
German-Israeli Foundation for Scientific Research and Development
Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities
Israel Science Foundation
Israeli Centers for Research Excellence


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