The CONNECT project: Combining macro- and micro-structure

Yaniv Assaf*, Daniel C. Alexander, Derek K. Jones, Albero Bizzi, Tim E.J. Behrens, Chris A. Clark, Yoram Cohen, Tim B. Dyrby, Petra S. Huppi, Thomas R. Knoesche, Denis LeBihan, Geoff J.M. Parker, Cyril Poupon, Debbie Anaby, Alfred Anwander, Leah Bar, Daniel Barazany, Tamar Blumenfeld-Katzir, Silvia De-Santis, Delphine DuclapMatteo Figini, Elda Fischi, Pamela Guevara, Penny Hubbard, Shir Hofstetter, Saad Jbabdi, Nicolas Kunz, Francois Lazeyras, Alice Lebois, Matthew G. Liptrot, Henrik Lundell, Jean Franc Mangin ̦ois, David Moreno Dominguez, Darya Morozov, Jan Schreiber, Kiran Seunarine, Simone Nava, Till Riffert, Efrat Sasson, Benoit Schmitt, Noam Shemesh, Stam N. Sotiropoulos, Ido Tavor, Hui Zhang, Feng Lei Zhou

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111 Scopus citations


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