The Cantwell-ransley epispadias repair in exstrophy and epispadias: Lessons learned

John P. Gearhart*, Christopher Sciortino, Jacob Ben-Chaim, Dennis S. Peppas, Robert D. Jeffs

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43 Scopus citations


Objectives: We evaluated our experience with the Cantwell-Ransley epispadias repair to determine the lessons that have been learned with the increased experience and follow-up. Methods: A total of 75 boys (60 with bladder exstrophy and 15 with complete epispadias) underwent a Cantwell-Ransley epispadias repair at our institute in the last 6 years. Primary repair was performed in 58 boys (45 with exstrophy and 13 with epispadias), and secondary repair was performed after prior failed closure in 17 boys (12 at the secondary exstrophy closure, 3 with exstrophy, and 2 with complete epispadias). Results: At a mean follow-up of 28 months, all patients had a horizontal or downward angled penis while standing. The incidence of urethrocutaneous fistulas in the immediate postoperative state was 21% and at 3 months was 15%. The incidence of urethrocutaneous fistulas was no more in those patients in whom paraexstrophy skin flaps were used at anterior closure than in those in whom the urethral plate was left intact. Two patients developed a urethral stricture at the proximal anastomotic area, and 4 patients had minor skin separation of the dorsal penile skin closure. Catheterization or cystoscopy, or both, has been performed in 60 patients and revealed an easily negotiable urethral channel in all. Conclusions: The Cantwell-Ransley epispadias repair offers a straighter urethra, better correction of chordee and cosmesis, and a lower fistula rate in the exstrophy or epispadias patient.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)92-95
Number of pages4
Issue number1
StatePublished - Jul 1995
Externally publishedYes


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