The Belle II physics book

E. Kou*, P. Urquijo, W. Altmannshofer, F. Beaujean, G. Bell, M. Beneke, I. I. Bigi, F. Bishara, M. Blanke, C. Bobeth, M. Bona, N. Brambilla, V. M. Braun, J. Brod, A. J. Buras, H. Y. Cheng, C. W. Chiang, M. Ciuchini, G. Colangelo, A. CrivellinH. Czyz, A. Datta, F. De Fazio, T. Deppisch, M. J. Dolan, J. Evans, S. Fajfer, T. Feldmann, S. Godfrey, M. Gronau, Y. Grossman, F. K. Guo, U. Haisch, C. Hanhart, S. Hashimoto, S. Hirose, J. Hisano, L. Hofer, M. Hoferichter, W. S. Hou, T. Huber, T. Hurth, S. Jaeger, S. Jahn, M. Jamin, J. Jones, M. Jung, A. L. Kagan, F. Kahlhoefer, J. F. Kamenik, T. Kaneko, Y. Kiyo, A. Kokulu, N. Kosnik, A. S. Kronfeld, Z. Ligeti, H. Logan, C. D. Lu, V. Lubicz, F. Mahmoudi, K. Maltman, S. Mishima, M. Misiak, K. Moats, B. Moussallam, A. Nefediev, U. Nierste, D. Nomura, N. Offen, S. L. Olsen, E. Passemar, A. Paul, G. Paz, A. A. Petrov, A. Pich, A. D. Polosa, J. Pradler, S. Prelovsek, M. Procura, G. Ricciardi, D. J. Robinson, P. Roig, J. Rosiek, S. Schacht, K. 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525 Scopus citations


The Belle II detector will provide a major step forward in precision heavy flavor physics, quarkonium and exotic states, searches for dark sectors, and many other areas. The sensitivity to a large number of key observables can be improved by about an order of magnitude compared to the current measurements, and up to two orders in very clean search measurements. This increase in statistical precision arises not only due to the increased luminosity, but also from improved detector efficiency and precision for many channels. Many of the most interesting observables tend to have very small theoretical uncertainties that will therefore not limit the physics reach. This book has presented many new ideas for measurements, both to elucidate the nature of current anomalies seen in flavor, and to search for new phenomena in a plethora of observables that will become accessible with the Belle II dataset. The simulation used for the studiesinthis book was state ofthe artat the time, though weare learning a lot more about the experiment during the commissioning period. The detector is in operation, and working spectacularly well.

Original languageEnglish
Article number4329
JournalProgress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics
Issue number12
StatePublished - Dec 2019


FundersFunder number
7th FrameworkPIEF-GA-2013-622527
Department of Atomic Energy and Department of Science and Technology
GLORIADFOINS-296, CB-180023, CB-236394, CB-254409, CB-221329
Horizon 2020 ERC-Advanced
Horizon 2020 Marie Sklodowska-Curie
International Centre of Physics
National Organization for Scientific Research
National Science FoundationPHY-1614545
National Science Foundation
U.S. Department of EnergyDE-AC06-76RLO1830, DE-SC0010118, DE-SC0010504, DE-SC0011726, DE-SC0011637, DE-SC0012704, DE-SC0011784, DE-AC02-05CH11231, DE-FG02-00ER41132, DE-SC0012391, DE-SC0007983, DE-AC05-06OR23177, DE-SC0009973
U.S. Department of Energy
Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
National Foundation for Science and Technology Development103.01-2017.76
National Foundation for Science and Technology Development
Univerzita Karlova v PrazeSVV 260448, GAUK 404316
Univerzita Karlova v Praze
Horizon 2020 Framework Programme700525, 267104, 622527, 644294, 638528
Horizon 2020 Framework Programme
Thailand Center of Excellence in Physics
Compute Canada
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
Science and Technology Facilities CouncilST/P000290/1
Science and Technology Facilities Council
Institute of Physics
European Research Council
Australian Research CouncilDP170102204, DP180102629, DP150103061, FT130100018, DP170102389, FT130100303
Australian Research Council
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science16H06492, 18K03621, 26400255, 26220706, 16H03968, 17H01133, 17H05405, 16K05323, 18H03710, 16H03993
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
Schweizerischer Nationalfonds zur Förderung der Wissenschaftlichen ForschungP300P2-167751
Schweizerischer Nationalfonds zur Förderung der Wissenschaftlichen Forschung
United States-Israel Binational Science Foundation2016113
United States-Israel Binational Science Foundation
National Natural Science Foundation of China11747601, 11621131001, CRC 110, 11675166, PHY-1714253, PHY-1520966, 11521505, PHY-1414345, 11761141009, 11475187, 11575017, 11705209, PHY-1720252
National Natural Science Foundation of China
Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften
Ministerstvo Školství, Mládeže a TělovýchovyLTT17020
Ministerstvo Školství, Mládeže a Tělovýchovy
Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung
Chinese Academy of SciencesQYZDB-SSW-SYS013, QYZDJ-SSW-SLH011
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Austrian Science FundP 31361-N36
Austrian Science Fund
Ministry of Education
Foundation for Fundamental Research on Matter156
Foundation for Fundamental Research on Matter
Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information
Ministry of Science and TechnologyMOST104-2628-M-002-014-MY4
Ministry of Science and Technology
National Research Foundation of Korea2015H1A2A1033649, 2016K1A3A7A09005603, 2016R1D1A1B02012900, 2018R1A2B3003643, 2018R1D1A1B07047294, 2016R1D1A1B01010135, 2018R1A6A1A06024970
National Research Foundation of Korea
Israel Science Foundation2476/17
Israel Science Foundation
Instituto Nazionale di Fisica NucleareBELLE2
Instituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare
Javna Agencija za Raziskovalno Dejavnost RSJ1-8137, P1-0035, P1-0135
Javna Agencija za Raziskovalno Dejavnost RS
Narodowym Centrum Nauki2017/25/B/ST2/00191, 2017/27/B/ST2/01391, UMO-2015/18/M/ST2/00518, 2015/19/B/ST2/02848
Narodowym Centrum Nauki
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique
Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
Agencia Estatal de InvestigaciónFPA2017-84445-P, FPA2014-55613-P
Agencia Estatal de Investigación
Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation
Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules
Korea Research Environment Open Network


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