Standardization of dermoscopic terminology and basic dermoscopic parameters to evaluate in general dermatology (non-neoplastic dermatoses): an expert consensus on behalf of the International Dermoscopy Society
E. Errichetti*, I. Zalaudek, H. Kittler, Z. Apalla, G. Argenziano, R. Bakos, A. Blum, R. P. Braun, D. Ioannides, F. Lacarrubba, E. Lazaridou, C. Longo, G. Micali, E. Moscarella, J. Paoli, C. Papageorgiou, T. Russo, A. Scope, G. Stinco, L. ThomasR. J. Toncic, P. Tschandl, H. Cabo, A. Hallpern, R. Hofmann-Wellenhof, J. Malvehy, A. Marghoob, S. Menzies, G. Pellacani, S. Puig, H. Rabinovitz, L. Rudnicka, E. Vakirlis, P. Soyer, W. Stolz, M. Tanaka, A. Lallas
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