Stable semivortex gap solitons in a spin–orbit-coupled Fermi gas

P. Díaz*, H. Molinares, L. M. Pérez, D. Laroze, J. Bragard, B. A. Malomed

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2 Scopus citations


We demonstrate the existence of semivortex (SV) solitons, with vorticities 0 and 1 in the two components, in a two-dimensional (2D) fermionic spinor system under the action of the Rashba-type spin–orbit coupling in the combination with the Zeeman splitting (ZS). In the “heavy-atom” approximation, which was previously elaborated for the bosonic system, the usual kinetic energy is neglected, which gives rise to a linear spectrum with a bandgap. The model includes the effective Pauli self-repulsion with power 7/3, as produced by the density-functional theory of Fermi superfluids. In the general case, the inter-component contact repulsion is included too. We construct a family of gap solitons of the SV type populating the spectral bandgap. A stability region is identified for the SV solitons, by means of systematic simulations, in the parameter plane of the cross-repulsion strength and chemical potential. The stability region agrees with the prediction of the anti-Vakhitov-Kolokolov criterion, which is a relevant necessary stability condition for systems with self-repulsive nonlinearities. We also test the stability of the SV solitons against a sudden change of the ZS strength, which initiates robust oscillations in the spin state of the soliton due to transfer of particles between the system's components.

Original languageEnglish
Article number114456
JournalChaos, Solitons and Fractals
StatePublished - Feb 2024


  • Fermi systems
  • Gap solitons
  • Semivortex solitons
  • Soliton stability
  • Spin–orbit coupling


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