Solvable model for solitons pinned to a parity-time-symmetric dipole

Thawatchai Mayteevarunyoo*, Boris A. Malomed, Athikom Reoksabutr

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We introduce the simplest one-dimensional nonlinear model with parity-time (PT) symmetry, which makes it possible to find exact analytical solutions for localized modes ("solitons"). The PT-symmetric element is represented by a pointlike (δ-functional) gain-loss dipole ∼δ (x), combined with the usual attractive potential ∼δ(x). The nonlinearity is represented by self-focusing (SF) or self-defocusing (SDF) Kerr terms, both spatially uniform and localized. The system can be implemented in planar optical waveguides. For the sake of comparison, also introduced is a model with separated δ-functional gain and loss, embedded into the linear medium and combined with the δ-localized Kerr nonlinearity and attractive potential. Full analytical solutions for pinned modes are found in both models. The exact solutions are compared with numerical counterparts, which are obtained in the gain-loss-dipole model with the δ and δ functions replaced by their Lorentzian regularization. With the increase of the dipole's strength γ, the single-peak shape of the numerically found mode, supported by the uniform SF nonlinearity, transforms into a double peak. This transition coincides with the onset of the escape instability of the pinned soliton. In the case of the SDF uniform nonlinearity, the pinned modes are stable, keeping the single-peak shape. Published by the American Physical Society under the terms of the.

Original languageEnglish
Article number022919
JournalPhysical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics
Issue number2
StatePublished - 22 Aug 2013


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