Solitons supported by singular modulation of the cubic nonlinearity

Vitaly Lutsky, Boris A. Malomed

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A model of the optical media with a spatially structured Kerr nonlinearity is introduced. The nonlinearity strength is modulated by a set of singular peaks on top of a self-focusing or defocusing uniform background. The peaks may include a repulsive or attractive linear potential too. We find that a pair of mutually symmetric peaks readily gives rise to the spontaneous symmetry breaking (SSB) of modes pinned to individual peaks, while antisymmetric pinned modes are always unstable, transforming into robust spatially odd breathers. Three-and five-peak structures support symmetric modes, with in-phase or twisted profiles, and do not give rise to asymmetric states. A stability area is found for the twisted states pinned to the triple peaks, while the corresponding in-phase modes are unstable, unless the three modulation peaks are set very close to each other, covered by a single-peak pinned mode. All patterns pinned to five peaks are unstable too. Collisions of moving solitons with the singular-modulation peak are studied too. Slowly moving solitons bounce back from the peak, while the collisions are quasi-elastic for fast solitons. In the intermediate case, the soliton is destroyed by the collision. In a special case, the condition of a resonance of the incident soliton with a trapped mode supported by the peak leads to capture of the soliton.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)12967-12983
Number of pages17
JournalOptics Express
Issue number11
StatePublished - 29 May 2017


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