Skinks of Oceania, New Guinea, and Eastern Wallacea: an underexplored biodiversity hotspot

Alex Slavenko, Allen Allison, Christopher C. Austin, Aaron M. Bauer, Rafe M. Brown, Robert N. Fisher, Ivan Ineich, Bulisa Iova, Benjamin R. Karin, Fred Kraus, Sven Mecke, Shai Meiri, Clare Morrison, Paul M. Oliver, Mark O. Shea, Jonathan Q. Richmond, Glenn M. Shea, Oliver J.S. Tallowin, David G. Chapple*

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

5 Scopus citations


Context. Skinks comprise the dominant component of the terrestrial vertebrate fauna in Oceania, New Guinea, and Eastern Wallacea (ONGEW). However, knowledge of their diversity is incomplete, and their conservation needs are poorly understood. Aims. To explore the diversity and threat status of the skinks of ONGEW and identify knowledge gaps and conservation needs. Methods. We compiled a list of all skink species occurring in the region and their threat categories designated by the International Union for Conservation of Nature. We used available genetic sequences deposited in the National Center for Biotechnology Information's GenBank to generate a phylogeny of the region’s skinks. We then assessed their diversity within geographical sub-divisions and compared to other reptile taxa in the region. Key results. Approximately 300 species of skinks occur in ONGEW, making it the second largest global hotspot of skink diversity following Australia. Many phylogenetic relationships remain unresolved, and many species and genera are in need of taxonomic revision. One in five species are threatened with extinction, a higher proportion than almost all reptile families in the region. Conclusions. ONGEW contain a large proportion of global skink diversity on <1% of the Earth’s landmass. Many are endemic and face risks such as habitat loss and invasive predators. Yet, little is known about them, and many species require taxonomic revision and threat level re-assessment. Implications. The skinks of ONGEW are a diverse yet underexplored group of terrestrial vertebrates, with many species likely facing extreme risks in the near future. Further research is needed to understand the threats they face and how to protect them.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)526-543
Number of pages18
JournalPacific Conservation Biology
Issue number6
StatePublished - 6 Jan 2023


FundersFunder number
IUCN Oceania
Island Conservation
Mohamed bin Zayed
U.S. Government
National Science FoundationDEB-1557053
U.S. Geological Survey
Wildlife Conservation Society
Conservation International
Naomi Foundation
Australian Research CouncilFT200100108
United States-Israel Binational Science Foundation2012143, 002030900
Tel Aviv UniversityDEB-0743890, NGS-53506R-18, DEB-0103794, DEB-1146033, 064181317, DEB-1926783


    • Melanesia
    • Oceania
    • Scincidae
    • Wallacea
    • islands
    • knowledge gaps
    • molecular phylogenetics
    • regional threat assessment


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