Simulation training results in performance retention for the management of airway fires: A prospective observational study

Inna Eidelman Pozin*, Amir Zabida, Zeev Friedman, Michal Ivry, Maria Friedman, Guy Zahavi, Dana D. Yahav Shafir, Dina Orkin, Haim Berkenstadt

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2 Scopus citations


Given the severity of the consequences of operating room fires, it is recommended that every anaesthesiologist master fire safety protocols and periodically participate in operating room fire drills. The aim of the present study was to evaluate skill retention one year after an airway fire training programme. Anaesthesiology residents were evaluated using an airway fire simulation-based scenario one year after an educational programme that included a one-h long problem-based learning session, a simulation-based airway fire drill with debriefing, and a formal group discussion. The same simulation scenario was used for both the initial training and the one-year assessment. Thirty-eight anaesthesiology residents participated as pairs in the initial training programme. Of these, 36 participated in the evaluation a year later. Performance after one year was better than performance during the initial simulation. Time to removal of tracheal tube was 7.0 (4.0–12.8) s (median (interquartile range)) at the one-year assessment compared with 22.0 (18.5–52.5) s at the time of initial training (P < 0.001). Performance improvement was also demonstrated by a higher incidence of performance of crucial action items (cessation of airway gases, removal of sponges and pouring of saline), as well as shorter duration of time necessary to perform these tasks. After controlling the fire, the time to re-establish ventilation by bag-mask ventilation or intubation was shorter at one year: 18.0 (11.0–29.0) s, compared with initial training 54.0 s (36.2–69.8) s (P = 0.001). We conclude that skills are effectively retained for a year after an airway fire management training session.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)114-119
Number of pages6
JournalAnaesthesia and Intensive Care
Issue number2
StatePublished - Mar 2023


  • Airway anaesthesia
  • assessment
  • competence anaesthesia
  • quality assurance anaesthesia
  • simulation and skills anaesthesia
  • teaching anaesthesia


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