Semivortex solitons and their excited states in spin-orbit-coupled binary bosonic condensates

Haiming Deng, Jinqing Li, Zhaopin Chen, Yaohui Liu, Dong Liu, Chunzhi Jiang, Chao Kong*, Boris A. Malomed

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4 Scopus citations


It is known that two-dimensional two-component fundamental solitons of the semivortex (SV) type, with vorticities (s+,s-)=(0,1) in their components, are stable ground states (GSs) in the spin-orbit-coupled (SOC) binary Bose-Einstein condensate with the contact self-attraction acting in both components, in spite of the possibility of the critical collapse in the system. However, excited states (ESs) of the SV solitons, with the vorticity set (s+,s-)=(S+,S++1) and S+=1,2,3,..., are unstable in the same system. We construct ESs of SV solitons in the SOC system with opposite signs of the self-interaction in the two components. The main finding is stability of the ES-SV solitons, with the extra vorticity (at least) up to S+=6. The threshold value of the norm for the onset of the critical collapse, Nthr, in these excited states is higher than the commonly known critical value, Nc≈5.85, associated with the single-component Townes solitons, Nthr increasing with the growth of S+. A velocity interval for stable motion of the GS-SV solitons is found too. The results suggest a solution for the challenging problem of the creation of stable vortex solitons with high topological charges.

Original languageEnglish
Article number064201
JournalPhysical Review E
Issue number6
StatePublished - Jun 2024


FundersFunder number
Xiangnan UniversityXNXY20221210
Project of Hunan Provincial Education Office23B0774, 23A0593
Israel Science Foundation1695/22
Science and Technology Innovative Research Team in Higher Educational Institutions of Hunan Province[2022]96


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