Self-consistent models of ONeMg rich novae

Dina Prialnik*, Michael M. Shara

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9 Scopus citations


We have computed successive nova outbursts on a white dwarf accreting hydrogen-rich material at rates of 10-10-10-9 script M sign yr-1. Mass accretion, diffusion, nuclear burning - using a network of 40 isotopes - and hydrodynamic mass loss are included in these calculations. The initial models are CO white dwarfs that have acquired an outer layer of heavier elements, mostly Ne and Mg, by rapid accretion and burning during an earlier evolutionary phase. As a result, the ejecta is also enriched in heavy elements, particularly Mg, 26Al, and Si. The ejected masses are higher than those obtained from outbursts on massive ONeMg white dwarf progenitors, and hence, in better agreement with observations. As in previous calculations, by other authors, the Ne abundance is lower than that inferred from observations of most Ne-rich novae. The observed Ne abundances are, however, uncertain and controversial. We find simultaneous enrichment of carbon and heavier elements, typical of novae, a feature which is the direct result of the evolutionary scenario that we suggest for ONeMg novae.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1735-1739
Number of pages5
JournalAstronomical Journal
Issue number4
StatePublished - Apr 1995


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