Self and Body Representation Among Women Survivors of Childhood Abuse and Its Relation to Their Infant’s Temperament

Karni Ginzburg*, Anat Talmon, Inbal Brenner, Ido Lurie, Roni Tomashev, Ayelet Golan, May Shir Igawa, Moshe Betser, Anna Padoa

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Objective: Studies have suggested that women’s history of childhood abuse is associated with the temperament of their children, as indicated by increased negative emotionality and decreased regulatory capacity. The aim of this study was to examine a model according to which the association between maternal childhood abuse and infant temperament would be mediated by women’s self-objectification and sense of disrupted body boundaries. Method: Four hundred forty women were recruited on a maternity ward within 48 hr of giving birth (Time 1). Of them, 295 (67.05%) participated in the second assessment, 3 months postpartum (Time 2). Participants’ self-objectification and sense of body boundaries were assessed at Time 1. Maternal history of childhood abuse and infant temperament were assessed at Time 2. Results: Structural equation modeling yielded two significant mediation effects: (a) the association between maternal history of childhood abuse and infant’s negative emotionality was mediated by self-objectification, and (b) the association between maternal history of childhood abuse and infant’s orienting/regulatory capacity was mediated by a sense of disrupted body boundaries. Conclusions: This study highlights the significant influence of maternal self and body representations on infant temperament, suggesting that these factors may be relevant for clinical interventions with mothers with a history of childhood abuse to support their children’s well-being.

Original languageEnglish
JournalPsychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy
StateAccepted/In press - 2024


  • body boundaries
  • childhood abuse
  • infant temperament
  • motherhood
  • self-objectification


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