Sb-to-P Metathesis: A Direct Route to Structurally Constrained, Cationic PIII Compound

Deependra Bawari, Irina Malahov, Roman Dobrovetsky*

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Structurally constrained, cationic PIII compound [LP][SbCl4] with an OCO pincer-type ligand (L) having a central carbene donor was directly synthesized via an Sb-to-P metathesis reaction between PCl3 and LSb-Cl. [LP][SbCl4] was isolated and its reactivity with small molecules (ROH and RNH2) was studied, showing that [SbCl4] is not an innocent counter anion, but an active participant in these reactions. When the [SbCl4] was replaced with the [CB11H12] ([Cb]) anion, the reactions were redirected to [LP]+ cation only. The reactions with alcohols and amines led to the equilibrium between the products of the formal E−H (E=O, N) bond oxidative addition to the P-center and products of the P-center/ligand-assisted bond activation. Remarkably, [LP]+ activated the PhO−H and PhN(H)−H bonds in a reversible, thermoneutral fashion.

Original languageEnglish
JournalAngewandte Chemie - International Edition
StateAccepted/In press - 2024


FundersFunder number
Israel Science Foundation195/22
Ministry of Innovation, Science and Technology01032376


    • Antimony
    • Carbene
    • Cations
    • Phosphorus
    • Small-Molecule Activation


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