Renal Tubular CD24 Upregulation Aggravates Folic Acid Induced Acute Kidney Injury: A Possible Role for T Regulatory Cells Inhibition in Mice

Moshe Shashar, Doron Schwartz, Asia Zubkov, Sarit Hoffman, Lior Jankelson, Shiran Shapira, Barak Merimsky, Julia Berman, Tamara Chernichovski, Oeren Amitai, Michal Ariela Raz, Rami Hershkovitz, Ayelet Grupper, Talia Weinstein, Nadir Arber, Idit F. Schwartz*

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Acute kidney injury (AKI) is characterized by cell death and inflammation. CD24 is a protein induced during tissue damage and is not expressed in mature renal tissue. We explored the role of CD24 in the pathogenesis of folic acid-induced AKI (FA-AKI) in mice. A single Intraperitoneal (IP) injection of folic acid induced AKI in WT and CD24−/− mice. Renal function tests, histological analysis, immunohistochemistry, Western blot analysis, and ELISA were performed to assess the severity of renal damage and the intensity of the inflammatory response. FA-AKI induced CD24 in the distal tubular epithelial cells. Compared to WT mice, FA-AKI CD24−/− mice exhibited an attenuated reduction in renal function and histological injury, lower serum IL-10 and interferon γ, and decreased expression of renal TNFα. In contrast, renal and systemic IL-33 upregulation were augmented. CD24−/− FA-AKI animals exhibited increased splenic margination and renal infiltration of regulatory T cells (Tregs). At day 7, FA-AKI CD24−/− mice exhibited increased expression of tubular pro-apoptotic and decreased anti-apoptotic proteins compared to WT animals. Anti-CD24 antibody administration to FA-AKI mice attenuated the decrease in renal function as well as the histological injury. Renal biopsies from patients with ATN stained strongly for CD24 in the distal tubules. In conclusion, during AKI, upregulation of CD24 promotes renal inflammation through inhibition of Treg infiltration and diversion of cell death towards necrosis rather than apoptosis. Neutralization of CD24 may prove a target for future therapies in AKI.

Original languageEnglish
Article number1134
JournalJournal of Personalized Medicine
Issue number7
StatePublished - Jul 2023


  • CD24
  • acute kidney injury
  • acute tubular necrosis
  • innate immunity


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