Joseph Vardi*, Jacob Zahavi, Benjamin Avi-Itzhak

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Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review

2 Scopus citations


An analytical method for deriving reliability-related sensitivity information for power systems is presented. The method is based on the Combined Load Duration Curve (CLDC), a function which is obtained as a convolution of four types of demand: the determininstic component of customers' load, the random component of customers' load, demand for maintenance and demand for forced outages. By its definition the CLDC is a function of both demand and generation pattern of the power system. Hence any change in the characteristics of the system will also affect the CLDC as each such change contributes to different customers' demand or to different demand for maintenance and forced outages. This property of the CLDC is exploited to derive a host of reliability-related sensitivity analyses by studying the impact of perturbing the parameters of the system through their reflection on the CLDC. The impact of these analyses to decision making, mainly determining reserve requirements, is also demonstrated.

Original languageEnglish
StatePublished - 1976
EventIEEE Power Eng Soc, Text of 'A' Pap from the Summer Meet - Portland, OR, USA
Duration: 18 Jul 197623 Jul 1976


ConferenceIEEE Power Eng Soc, Text of 'A' Pap from the Summer Meet
CityPortland, OR, USA


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