Release of atrial natriuretic peptide in brief ischemia-reperfusion in isolated rat hearts

M. Arad, N. Zamir, L. Horowitz, T. Oxman, B. Rabinowitz*

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22 Scopus citations


We studied the effects of short-term global ischemia and reperfusion on ANP secretion from Langendorff-perfused rat hearts compared with isolated ventricles. Effects of regional ischemia, with or without increased atrial pressure, were examined in Langendorff-perfused and working heart models. Five minutes of global ischemia were associated with elevated levels of atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) in the coronary effluent immediately and for ≃10 min after resumption of reperfusion, resulting in a net hormone excess of 23 ± 5 ng/g wet wt. The ventricles produced on the average 11% ANP compared with the whole heart, and their contribution of to postischemic ANP overflow was approximately proportional to their basal production. In Langendorff-perfused hearts, regional ischemia increased the concentration of ANP in the coronary effluent 51 ± 11%, whereas the secretion rate (per minute) decreased 18 ± 5%. In the presence of atrial distension in the working heart model, a trend for increase in ANP secretion was apparent. We conclude that global ischemia, even of brief duration, has an independent stimulatory effect on ANP release, the ischemic atrium being responsible for most of the excess. Regional ischemia, when not accompanied by atrial distension, reduces the ANP secretion rate during the ischemic period. Heart failure secondary to ischemia stimulates ANP secretion, but this response seems to be both delayed and attenuated compared with atrial stretch alone.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)H1971-H1978
JournalAmerican Journal of Physiology - Heart and Circulatory Physiology
Issue number5 35-5
StatePublished - 1994
Externally publishedYes


  • Langendorff model
  • global ischemia
  • left atrial pressure
  • regional ischemia
  • working heart


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