Relationship of brines in the Kinnarot Basin, Jordan-Dead Sea Rift Valley

P. Möller*, C. Siebert, S. Geyer, N. Inbar, E. Rosenthal, A. Flexer, M. Zilberbrand

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19 Scopus citations


Element ratios and water stable isotopes reveal the presence of only two independent deep brines in the Kinnarot Basin, Israel: the evaporite dissolution brine of Zemah-1 and the inferred Ha'on mother brine (HMB) with low and high Br/Cl ratios, respectively. HMB is considered to be a representative of the Late Pliocene evaporated Sedom Sea. The freshwater-diluted evaporation brine emerges as Ha'on brine on the eastern shore of Lake Tiberias and is also identified in the pore water of lake sediments. HMB is converted into Tiberias mother brine (TMB) by dolomitization of limestones and alteration of abundant volcanic rocks occurring along the western side of the lake. The Ha'on and Tiberias brines, both characterized by high δD and δ 18O values, are similar in Na/Cl and Br/Cl ratios but are dissimilar in Br/K ratios because these brines were subjected to different degrees of interactions with rocks and sediments. Excepting the brine from KIN 8, all brines from the Tabigha area including the nearby off-shore Barbutim brine are related to the TMB. The brine KIN 8 and all brines from the Fuliya and Hammat Gader areas are related to the HMB. The brine encountered in wildcat borehole Zemah-1 is generated by halite-anhydrite/gypsum dissolution and is independent from the HMB system.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)166-181
Number of pages16
Issue number2
StatePublished - May 2012


  • Albitization
  • Brine evolution
  • Dolomitization
  • Kinnarot Basin
  • Rare earth element patterns


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