Rehabilitation outcomes of terror victims with multiple trauma: The experience in Hadassah University Hospital 2000-2004

Zeev Meiner*, Maya Tuchner, Shimon Shiri, Jeanna Tsenter, Mara Shochina, Yigal Shoshan, Michal Katz-Leurer, Isabella Schwartz

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From late September 2000 until 2005, the State of Israel was attacked by continuing acts of terrorism known as the Al Aqsa Intifada. During this period the number of terror victims treated in rehabilitation facilities has escalated significantly. The city of Jerusalem has a unique place in the heart of the Israel-Palestinian conflict and, therefore, almost 20% of national atrocities have been carried out in Jerusalem. Between September.2000 and September 2004, 72 terror victims were treated in the department of rehabilitation in Hadassah University Hospital. Among them, 47 (65%) suffered from multiple trauma without CNS involvment, 19 (26%) suffered from traumatic brain injury and 6 (8%) suffered from spinal cord injury. The rehabilitation outcomes of terror victims was compared to the rehabilitation outcomes of non-terror multiple trauma patients treated in the same rehabilitation facility over the same period. The rehabilitation outcomes were evaluted using the following parameters: length of hospitalization (LOH) in acute care departments, inpatient and outpatient rehabilitation departments, functional outcome (Functional Independence Measurement, FIM), occupational outcome (returning to previous occupation) and psychological outcome (Salomon PTSD questionnaire). The mean LOH of terror victims was 218131 days as opposed to 114152 days for the non-terror group (p<0.01). The difference between FIM value at entry and discharge (D,FIM) was significantlly higher in terror victims as compared to controls (41.121.6 vs 21.830.8, p=0.002). The rate of PTSD was higher among terror victims than non-terror control (40.9 % vs 24.2%, p=0.04). The rate of returning to previous occupation was similar between terror and non-terror victims ( 53% vs. 46.9% respectively). Long term study showed that terror victims still suffer from lower quality of life and life satisfaction 2 years after the insult. In summary, terror victims spent longer periods in rehabilitation and regained most of the Activities of Daily Living (ADL) functions similar to the non-terror group. Inspite of the higher rate of PTSD, terror victims succeeded in returning to their previous occupation similar to the non-terror group.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)885-891
Number of pages7
Issue number11
StatePublished - Nov 2008


  • Multiple trauma
  • PTSD
  • Rehabilitation
  • SCI
  • TBI
  • Terror victims


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