Randomized comparison of J-shaped and straight atrial screw-in pacing leads

Michael Glikson*, Elad Yaacoby, Shlomo Feldman, David S. Bar-Lev, Sergei Yaroslavtzev, Chava Granit, Zeev Rotstein, Elieser Kaplinsky, Michael Eldar

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19 Scopus citations


Objective: To study the importance of a J shape in atrial pacing leads. Patients and Methods: We compared in a randomized controlled study acute and chronic results with 2 steroideluting, polyurethane, screw-in atrial lead models that differ only in shape. A total of 208 patients were randomized to have implantation of either a straight atrial lead (n=105) or a J-shaped atrial lead (n=103). Patients were followed up for 1 year. Results: On implantation, there were no significant differences between leads in rates of failure to implant, implant measurements, number of attempts to achieve an acceptable position, and fluoroscopy times. Before discharge and at 3-month and 1-year follow-up, electrical measurements showed no statistical differences between leads. During the first year after implantation, there were 2.9% early dislodgments (<1 week after implantation) and 2.9% late dislodgments in the straight lead group (5.9% rate of all dislodgments) vs no dislodgments in the J-shaped lead group (P=.01). There was a trend toward higher rates of exit block and lead malfunction in the J-shaped lead group. Rates of pericardial complications, subclavian/axillary thrombosis, and chronic atrial fibrillation were the same in both groups. Conclusions: Both leads appear to have an equally favorable performance profile for I year of follow-up. The J-shaped lead seems to be more stable and have fewer dislodgments, although it may have a somewhat higher malfunction rate.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1269-1273
Number of pages5
JournalMayo Clinic Proceedings
Issue number12
StatePublished - 2000


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