Ramat Raḥel VI: the renewed excavations by the Tel Aviv-Heidelberg expedition (2005-2010) : the Babylonian-Persian pit

Oded Lipschits, Liora Freud, Yuval Gadot, Manfred Oeming

Research output: Book/ReportBook


"This is part of a three-volume final report of the Renewed Excavations at Ramat Raḥel by the Tel Aviv-Heidelberg Expedition (2005-2010). It presents the [findings] from the Babylonian-Persian Pit, one of the most dramatic find-spots at Ramat Raḥel. The pit yielded a rich assemblage of pottery vessels and yhwd, lion and 6th-century "private" stamp impressions, including, for the first time, comlete restored stamped jars, jars bearing two handles stamped with different yhwd impressions, and jars bearing both lion and "private" stamp impressions on their bodies. Residue analysis was conducted on many of the vessels excavated from the pit in an effort to anaylze their contents, yielding surprising results. The finds contribute to our understanding of the pottery of the Babylonian and the early Persian periods (6th-5th centuries BCE) and to the study of the development of the stamped-jar administration in the province of Yehud under Babylonian and Persian rule."--Page 4 of cover.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationUniversity Park, Pennsylvania
Number of pages151
ISBN (Electronic)1646021134, 1646021770, 9781646021130
ISBN (Print)9781646021130
StatePublished - 2021

Publication series

NameSonia and Marco Nadler Institute of Archaeology monograph series
Volumenumber 40

ULI Keywords

  • uli
  • Archaeological expeditions -- Germany
  • Excavations (Archaeology) -- Israel -- Ramat Rahel
  • Ramat Rahel (Israel) -- Antiquities


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