Psoas abscess - A difficult diagnosis in childhood

M. Nussinovitch*, B. Volovitz, A. Kauschansky, I. Varsano

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A 5 year old girl had a three week history of fever and increasing pain in the right hip and thigh. On admission, she had a temperature of 39°C and walked with the hip somewhat flexed. There was pain on internal and external rotation of the hip and mild tenderness of the right lower quadrant. There was a high white blood cell count with a shift to the left and a high ESR. Aspiration of the hip yielded clear, sterile fluid. ACT scan of the abdomen and pelvis showed a 3x3 cm psoas abscess. The patient did not respond to antibiotic therapy but recovered uneventfully after drainage of the abscess. Abscess cultures grew staphylococcus aureus. Psoas abscess in children is uncommon. It is most often primary. The organism responsible is usually Staphylococcus aureus. Psoas abscess must be considered in the work-up of a child who presents with a limp, especially if the hip aspiration is non- diagnostic. An awareness of this entity and the timely use of appropriate imaging studies generally ensure a prompt diagnosis and diminishes complications.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)123-124
Number of pages2
JournalChildren's Hospital Quarterly
Issue number3
StatePublished - 1993
Externally publishedYes


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