Prolonged stay at an acute-care hospital in Israel among older adults awaiting transfer to post-acute care: retrospective study on risk factors and consequences

Shani Zilberman-Itskovich*, David Simhon, Sigalit Laniado, Galina Plotnikov, Dror Marchaim

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Background: Older adults frequently experience deconditioning following acute illnesses and require discharge from acute-care facilities to post-acute care facilities, which are limited. Our study aimed to explore predictors and outcomes associated with elongated length of stay (LOS) among older adults awaiting discharge to skilled nursing facility (SNF). Methods: Retrospective cohort study was conducted at Shamir Medical Center, Israel, among adults (> 65 years) eligible for SNF. ROC curve analysis was used to determine prolonged LOS based on the risk to fall. Logistic and Cox regressions were used to analyze predictors and outcomes. Results: Among 659 older adults awaiting transfer to SNF, 127 patients (24% among survivors of the index hospitalization) had prolonged LOS (> 12 days). The median age of patients was 82 years and 51% were females. The independent predictors for prolonged LOS were lower Norton index, higher MUST score, and admission from home. Prolonged LOS was independently associated with hospital-acquired infections, device related infections, and acquisitions of multidrug-resistant organisms. Conclusion: Prolonged LOS among older adults, awaiting transfer to SNF, should be suspected among non-institutionalized older adults with lower nutritional status and higher risk of pressure ulcers. The burden associated with establishing additional SNF beds, must be outweighed vs. the substantial infectious complications among awaiting older adults.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)145-151
Number of pages7
JournalEuropean Geriatric Medicine
Issue number1
StatePublished - Feb 2023


  • Care transitions
  • Falls
  • Hospitalization complication
  • LTCF
  • Length of stay
  • Long-term care facility
  • Post-acute care access
  • Skilled nursing facility


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