Processing top-k queries from samples

Edith Cohen, Nadav Grossaug, Haim Kaplan*

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6 Scopus citations


Top-k queries are desired aggregation operations on datasets. Examples of queries on network data include finding the top 100 source Autonomous Systems (AS), top 100 ports, or top domain names over IP packets or over IP flow records. Since the complete dataset is often not available or not feasible to examine, we are interested in processing top-k queries from samples. If all records can be processed, the top-k items can be obtained by counting the frequency of each item. Even when the full dataset is observed, however, resources are often insufficient for such counting so techniques were developed to overcome this issue. When we can observe only a random sample of the records, an orthogonal complication arises: The top frequencies in the sample are biased estimates of the actual top-k frequencies. This bias depends on the distribution and must be accounted for when seeking the actual value. We address this by designing and evaluating several schemes that derive rigorous confidence bounds for top-k estimates. Simulations on various datasets that include IP flows data, show that schemes exploiting more of the structure of the sample distribution produce much tighter confidence intervals with an order of magnitude fewer samples than simpler schemes that utilize only the sampled top-k frequencies. The simpler schemes, however, are more efficient in terms of computation.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2605-2622
Number of pages18
JournalComputer Networks
Issue number14
StatePublished - 9 Oct 2008


  • Confidence intervals
  • Estimation
  • Heavy hitters
  • Sampling
  • Top-k items


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