Precise extraction of the induced polarization in the He4(e, e′p→)H3 reaction

S. P. Malace, M. Paolone, S. Strauch, I. Albayrak, J. Arrington, B. L. Berman, E. J. Brash, B. Briscoe, A. Camsonne, J. P. Chen, M. E. Christy, E. Chudakov, E. Cisbani, B. Craver, F. Cusanno, R. Ent, F. Garibaldi, R. Gilman, O. Glamazdin, J. GlisterD. W. Higinbotham, C. E. Hyde-Wright, Y. Ilieva, C. W. De Jager, X. Jiang, M. K. Jones, C. E. Keppel, E. Khrosinkova, E. Kuchina, G. Kumbartzki, B. Lee, R. Lindgren, D. J. Margaziotis, D. Meekins, R. Michaels, K. Park, L. Pentchev, C. F. Perdrisat, E. Piasetzky, V. A. Punjabi, A. J.R. Puckett, X. Qian, Y. Qiang, R. D. Ransome, A. Saha, A. J. Sarty, E. Schulte, P. Solvignon, R. R. Subedi, L. Tang, D. Tedeschi, V. Tvaskis, J. M. Udias, P. E. Ulmer, J. R. Vignote, F. R. Wesselmann, B. Wojtsekhowski, X. Zhan

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30 Scopus citations


We measured with unprecedented precision the induced polarization P y in He4(e,e′p→)H3 at Q2=0.8 and 1.3(GeV/c)2. The induced polarization is indicative of reaction-mechanism effects beyond the impulse approximation. Our results are in agreement with a relativistic distorted-wave impulse approximation calculation but are overestimated by a calculation with strong charge-exchange effects. Our data are used to constrain the strength of the spin-independent charge-exchange term in the latter calculation.

Original languageEnglish
Article number052501
JournalPhysical Review Letters
Issue number5
StatePublished - 31 Jan 2011


FundersFunder number
National Science Foundation0969239


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