Positioning Europe for the EPITRANSCRIPTOMICS challenge

Michael F. Jantsch*, Alessandro Quattrone, Mary O'Connell, Mark Helm, Michaela Frye, Manuel Macias-Gonzales, Marie Ohman, Stefan Ameres, Luc Willems, Francois Fuks, Anastasis Oulas, Stepanka Vanacova, Henrik Nielsen, Cecile Bousquet-Antonelli, Yuri Motorin, Jean Yves Roignant, Nikolaos Balatsos, Andras Dinnyes, Pavel Baranov, Vincent KellyAyelet Lamm, Gideon Rechavi, Mattia Pelizzola, Janis Liepins, Irina Holodnuka Kholodnyuk, Vanessa Zammit, Duncan Ayers, Finn Drablos, John Arne Dahl, Janusz Bujnicki, Carmen Jeronimo, Raquel Almeida, Monica Neagu, Marieta Costache, Jasna Bankovic, Bojana Banovic, Jan Kyselovic, Luis Miguel Valor, Stefan Selbert, Pinar Pir, Turan Demircan, Victoria Cowling, Matthias Schäfer, Walter Rossmanith, Denis Lafontaine, Alexandre David, Clement Carre, Frank Lyko, Raffael Schaffrath, Schraga Schwartz, Andre Verdel, Arne Klungland, Elzbieta Purta, Gordana Timotijevic, Fernando Cardona, Alberto Davalos, Ester Ballana, Donal O'Carroll, Jernej Ule, Rupert Fray

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18 Scopus citations


The genetic alphabet consists of the four letters: C, A, G, and T in DNA and C,A,G, and U in RNA. Triplets of these four letters jointly encode 20 different amino acids out of which proteins of all organisms are built. This system is universal and is found in all kingdoms of life. However, bases in DNA and RNA can be chemically modified. In DNA, around 10 different modifications are known, and those have been studied intensively over the past 20 years. Scientific studies on DNA modifications and proteins that recognize them gave rise to the large field of epigenetic and epigenomic research. The outcome of this intense research field is the discovery that development, ageing, and stem-cell dependent regeneration but also several diseases including cancer are largely controlled by the epigenetic state of cells. Consequently, this research has already led to the first FDA approved drugs that exploit the gained knowledge to combat disease. In recent years, the ~150 modifications found in RNA have come to the focus of intense research. Here we provide a perspective on necessary and expected developments in the fast expanding area of RNA modifications, termed epitranscriptomics.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)829-831
Number of pages3
JournalRNA Biology
Issue number6
StatePublished - 3 Jun 2018


FundersFunder number
Horizon 2020 Framework Programme669026
Medical Research CouncilG0801904, MR/M01939X/1, MR/K024213/1
European Cooperation in Science and TechnologyCA16120


    • European funding
    • database of Modification
    • detection of RNA modification
    • epitranscriptomics
    • model systems


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