Physiological responses to heat and effort and complaints of hyperperspiration

E. Assia*, R. Udassin, Y. Epstein, Y. Shapiro, E. Sohar

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The sensation of hyperperspiration is a common complaint in hot, humid climates. 54 men and 20 women, 18-47 years old, who had this complaint and 27 male control subjects were examined at rest and after 1 hour of mild exercise (40W) under conditions of heat stress (37 degrees C, 50% relative humidity). During exposure to heat rectal and skin temperatures and heart rate were measured every 15 min. Sweat rate was calculated for the entire period of exposure and sweat gland density was measured at 0, 60 and 120 min. Only insignificant deviations from baseline values were noted at rest. During exercise the sweat rate of the men with the complaint was within normal limits and similar to that of the control men (285 +/- 75 ml/m2 vs 272 +/- 48). Matching for age and V02 max revealed no significant differences in physiological responses of men with and those without the complaint. Women with the complaint lost 25-30% less fluid (226 +/- 67 ml/m2) and their concentrations of active sweat glands were lower than in either of the male groups. 2 men and 1 woman with the complaint and 1 control lost 400-425 ml/m2 during exercise, the upper limit of normal. Only 1 subject showed hyperperspiration (855 ml/m2) during the test. All physiological parameters examined in these 5 subjects were within normal limits. It is concluded that the complaint of hyperperspiration in our self-selected group is basically a subjective feeling and has no pathological basis. None of the subjects was heat intolerant.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)617-620
Number of pages4
Issue number12
StatePublished - 15 Jun 1989


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