Physical-chemical properties of the estrogen receptor released by deoxyribonuclease I

Avraham Geier, Rachel Beery, Michal Haimsohn, Efrat Kessler, Bruno Lunenfeld

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2 Scopus citations


The physical-chemical properties of the nuclear estrogen receptor released by DNase I were characterized. Nuclei were isolated from MCF-7 cells previously exposed to 10-nM-[3H]estradiol. The parameters determined were: sedimentation coefficients (S) on a sucrose gradient, Stokes radii (Rs) by gel filtration on a Sephadex G-200 column and the binding ability to a DNA-cellulose column. The molecular weights (Mr) and frictional ratios (f/fo) were calculated from the S and Rs values. The properties of the receptor released by DNase I obtained from Worthington were compared to the properties of the receptor released by DNase I obtained from Sigma. Digestion with DNase I (Worthington) excised a receptor form which could be solubilized from nuclei by EDTA. This form sedimented at 5.2S with a Rs = 7.08 nm and a calculated Mr = 152.000. About 40% of this receptor form bound to a DNA-cellulose column. 0.4 M KCl dissociated this receptor form into a smaller form sedimenting at 4.2S with Rs = 4.64 nm and a calculated Mr = 80.000. The properties of the receptor solubilized by micrococcal nuclease followed by DNase I (Worthington) digestion were identical to the properties of the DNase I (Worthington) released receptor. Digestion with DNase I (Sigma) released a 3.2S receptor form, which diffused through the nuclear membrane and a 4-5S form which could be extracted from nuclei by EDTA. The 3.2S receptor had a Rs = 2.41 nm, a calculated Mr = 32.000 and less than 5% of it bound to a DNA-cellulose column. Digestion with micrococcal nuclease followed by DNase I (Sigma) solubilized a receptor form with identical properties to the 3.2S receptor. These results suggest that DNase I (Worthington) released a receptor form still associated with some molecules, probably chromatin proteins, which complexed it to DNA, while DNase I (Sigma) released the estradiol binding fragment of the receptor (meroreceptor) as a result of a proteolytic activity present in this preparation.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)971-976
Number of pages6
JournalJournal of Steroid Biochemistry
Issue number5
StatePublished - May 1986


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