Perturbative QCD and beyond: Azimuthal angle correlations in deuteron-deuteron scattering from Bose-Einstein correlations

E. Gotsman*, E. Levin

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13 Scopus citations


In this paper, we find, within the framework of perturbative QCD, that in deuteron-deuteron scattering Bose-Einstein correlations, due to production of two-parton showers, induce azimuthal angle correlations with three correlation lengths: the size of the deuteron (RD), the proton radius (RN), and the size of the Balitski-Fadin-Kuraev-Lipatov (BFKL) Pomeron, which is closely related to the saturation momentum (Rc∼1/Qs). These correlations are independent of the values of rapidities of the produced gluons (long range rapidity correlations) for large rapidities (αS|y1-y2|≥1) and have no symmetry with respect to φ→π-φ (pT1→-pT1). Therefore, they give rise to vn for all values of n, not only for even values. The contributions of the correlation lengths RD and RN crucially depend on the nonperturbative contributions, and obtaining estimates of their values requires a lot of modeling, while the correlations with Rc∼1/Qs have a perturbative QCD origin and can be estimated in the color glass condensate approach.

Original languageEnglish
Article number014034
JournalPhysical Review D
Issue number1
StatePublished - 2017


FundersFunder number
Proyecto BasalFB 0821
United States-Israel Binational Science Foundation2012124
Comisión Nacional de Investigación Científica y TecnológicaPIA ACT1406
Fondo Nacional de Desarrollo Científico y Tecnológico1140842


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