Performance Difference Between Differently-Coded, Same-Length, Binary Complementary Pairs

Nadav Levanon, Itzik Cohen

Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review


Radar pulse waveforms, binary-coded according to Golay's complementary pairs, exhibit two valuable properties: (a) Pulse-compression to the duration of one code element, (b) Zero autocorrelation (ACF) sidelobes for the entire pulse duration. Number theorists are interested in enumerating as many different code sequences as possible. However, radar engineers may ponder the value of a large selection of different sequences (at a given length) beyond the benefit of enhanced waveform diversity. The paper considers two sequence-dependent properties: (a) The height of the recurrent ACF peaks around delay equal to odd number of PRIs, (b) The delay-Doppler response, namely, the ambiguity function.

Original languageEnglish
JournalProceedings of the IEEE Radar Conference
StatePublished - 2022
Event2022 IEEE Radar Conference, RadarConf 2022 - New York City, United States
Duration: 21 Mar 202225 Mar 2022


  • Radar waveforms
  • ambiguity function
  • complementary pairs
  • delay sidelobes
  • pulse compression


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