Patient-reported treatment toxicity and adverse events in Black and White women receiving chemotherapy for early breast cancer

K. A. Nyrop*, E. M. Damone, A. M. Deal, S. B. Wheeler, M. Charlot, B. B. Reeve, E. Basch, S. S. Shachar, L. A. Carey, K. E. Reeder-Hayes, E. C. Dees, T. A. Jolly, G. G. Kimmick, M. S. Karuturi, R. E. Reinbolt, J. C. Speca, W. A. Wood, H. B. Muss

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12 Scopus citations


Purpose: It is not known whether chemotherapy-related symptom experiences differ between Black and White women with early breast cancer (Stage I–III) receiving current chemotherapy regimens and, in turn, influences dose delay, dose reduction, early treatment discontinuation, or hospitalization. Methods: Patients self-reported their race and provided symptom reports for 17 major side effects throughout chemotherapy. Toxicity and adverse events were analyzed separately for anthracycline and non-anthracycline regimens. Fisher’s exact tests and two-sample t-tests compared baseline patient characteristics. Modified Poisson regression estimated relative risks of moderate, severe, or very severe (MSVS) symptom severity, and chemotherapy-related adverse events.Please check and confirm that the authors and their respective affiliations have been correctly identified and amend if changes Results: In 294 patients accrued between 2014 and 2020, mean age was 58 (SD13) and 23% were Black. For anthracycline-based regimens, the only significant difference in MSVS symptoms was in lymphedema (41% Black vs 20% White, p =.04) after controlling for axillary surgery. For non-anthracycline regimens, the only significant difference was MSVS peripheral neuropathy (41% Blacks vs. 23% White) after controlling for taxane type (p =.05) and diabetes (p =.05). For all other symptoms, severity scores were similar. Dose reduction differed significantly for non-anthracycline regimens (49% Black vs. 25% White, p =.01), but not for anthracycline regimens or in dose delay, early treatment discontinuation, or hospitalization for either regimen. Conclusion: Except for lymphedema and peripheral neuropathy, Black and White patients reported similar symptom severity during adjuvant chemotherapy. Dose reductions in Black patients were more common for non-anthracycline regimens. In this sample, there were minimal differences in patient-reported symptoms and other adverse outcomes in Black versus White patients.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)409-422
Number of pages14
JournalBreast Cancer Research and Treatment
Issue number2
StatePublished - Jan 2022


FundersFunder number
Kay Yow Cancer Fund
Breast Cancer Research Foundation
University of North Carolina
Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill


    • Adverse
    • Black
    • Chemotherapy
    • Event
    • Patient-reported
    • Toxicity
    • White


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