Our experience with the medical rehabilitation of homeless disabled people

M. Steinman*, R. J. Heruti, D. Goldin, A. Livshitz, F. Shemesh, A. Ohry

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2 Scopus citations


During the last two years, 11 homeless-disabled people were treated at our rehabilitation ward. All of the patients were Jewish, six were new immigrants from Russia, their age ranged between 34 to 60 years, most of these patients had completed at least high school education, and all had managed to have a "normal" social-working life until the crisis which led them to the street. Six became alcoholics and one was a narcotic-drug user. None of these patients suffered from malnutrition or mental disorder, and after the rehabilitation process was over, they became independent, performing the activities of daily living. Most of them decided to return to their previous street living place, despite their disabilities. This new combination of relatively young disabled-homeless people at our rehabilitation facility demands novel and different rehabilitation approaches.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)116-120
Number of pages5
Issue number2
StatePublished - Feb 2004


  • Disabled people
  • Homeless
  • Rehabilitation medicine


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