Options for restoring the atrophic posterior mandible-vertical and horizontal bone augmentation

Zvi Artzi*

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


The posterior mandible is indisputably the most deprived site in the oral cavity in implant dentistry. Anatomical landmarks in the posterior mandible could be determining factors in deciding which surgical modality to apply. In any case, the most predictable and successful approach to increase the bone volume is via guided tissue regeneration (GTR) principles. They are comprised of lateral or vertical guided bone regeneration procedures, the split-ridge expansion procedure, the application of a configured titanium mesh, with or without a GTR selective barrier membrane, and, last but not least, the use of autogenous bone block transplantations. There are anatomical limitations in the posterior mandible, and they need to be taken into account before deciding upon any given augmentation procedure. This chapter also explains how to perform coronal ridge regeneration by natural tooth extrusion with several case studies.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationBone Augmentation by Anatomical Region
Subtitle of host publicationTechniques and Decision-Making
Number of pages29
ISBN (Electronic)9781119427926
ISBN (Print)9781119427841
StatePublished - 13 May 2020


  • Atrophic posterior mandible
  • Augmentation procedure
  • Autogenous bone block transplantations
  • Coronal ridge regeneration
  • Guided tissue regeneration principles
  • Lateral guided bone regeneration procedures
  • Natural tooth extrusion
  • Vertical guided bone regeneration procedures


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