One-dimensional bose chemistry: Effects of nonintegrability

V. A. Yurovsky*, A. Ben-Reuven, M. Olshanii

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20 Scopus citations


Three-body collisions of ultracold identical Bose atoms under tight cylindrical confinement are analyzed. A Feshbach resonance in two-body collisions is described by a two-channel zero-range interaction. Elimination of the closed channel in the three-body problem reduces the interaction to a one-channel zero-range one with an energy-dependent strength. The related integrable Lieb-Liniger-McGuire (LLMG) model, with an energy-independent strength, forbids all chemical processes, such as three-atom association and diatom dissociation, as well as reflection in atom-diatom collisions. The resonant case is analyzed by a numerical solution of the Faddeev equations. The results demonstrate that as the internal symmetry of the LLMG model is lifted, reflection and chemical reactions become allowed and may be observed in experiments.

Original languageEnglish
Article number163201
JournalPhysical Review Letters
Issue number16
StatePublished - 2006


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