On the transformation toughening of a crack along an interface between a shape memory alloy and an isotropic medium

Yuval Freed*, Leslie Banks-Sills, Jacob Aboudi

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14 Scopus citations


In this study, a bilinear cohesive zone model is employed to describe the transformation toughening behavior of a slowly propagating crack along an interface between a shape memory alloy and a linear elastic or elasto-plastic isotropic material. Small scale transformation zones and plane strain conditions are assumed. The crack growth is numerically simulated within a finite element scheme and its transformation toughening is obtained by means of resistance curves. It is found that the choice of the cohesive strength to and the stress intensity factor phase angle φ greatly influence the toughening behavior of the bimaterial. The presented methodology is generalized for the case of an interface crack between a fiber reinforced shape memory alloy composite and a linear elastic, isotropic material. The effect of the cohesive strength to, as well as the fiber volume fraction are examined.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)3003-3020
Number of pages18
JournalJournal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids
Issue number10
StatePublished - Oct 2008


  • Delamination
  • Finite elements
  • Fracture mechanisms
  • Phase transformation
  • Shape memory alloys


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