On the exact solution of the linearized lifting-surface problem of an elliptic wing

A. Hauptman*, T. Miloh

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1 Scopus citations


Equation (40):. x2=h-2(1-h2)-2(ρ2-h2)(μ2-h2)(h2-v2),z2=(1-h2)-2(ρ2-1)(1-μ2)(1-v2).Last line of page 49:. ...σ varying between unity and infinity.... page 50:. M(λ)=|λ2-1|12M¯(λ).Equation (51):. g2nm=N¯2nm(ρ=1)N¯2nm(μ)N¯2nm(v).Equation (65a) (pages 54 and 55):. CL/α=4(1-h2)12[1+E2(h)/(1+1-h2h1n1+h(1-h2)12)]-1.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)580
Number of pages1
JournalQuarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics
Issue number4
StatePublished - Nov 1986


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