Neuron transplantation into mice hippocampus alters sensitivity to barbital narcosis

Joseph Yanai*, Chaim G. Pick

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1 Scopus citations


The role of several hippocampal innervations in the sensitivity to barbital-induced narcosis was studied in selected mice strains. The outbred and inbred mouse strains HS/Ibg, SABRA/HUC, C57BL, CBA/LAC, and BALB/c were tested for barbital-induced sleep (315 mg/kg). The relatively short sleeping HS/Ibg (HS) and the longest sleeping BALE/c (BALE) were chosen for further investigation. Cholinergic (ACh), serotonergic (5-HT), and noradrenergic (NE) innervations were studied in HS strain; whereas BALE, which possesses both an unusually high sensitivity to barbital and unique NE innervations in the cortex and hippocampus, was employed in a detailed study of the NE innervations. Transplantation of embryonic NE cells from the mouse embryo into the hippocampus of adult HS mice increased barbital narcosis by 65% (p < 0.05), whereas transplantation of 5-HT cells decreased barbital narcosis by 54% (p < 0.001). Transplantation of ACh cells had no significant effect on barbital-induced narcosis. BALB mice were subjected to NE cell transplantation into the hippocampus and cortex. Similarly to HS, BALB receiving NE transplants into their hippocampus slept 34% longer than control after barbital challenge (p < 0.025). Noradrenergic cell transplantation into frontal cortex had no effect on barbital sleep. The results suggest that (a) enhancement by neural grafting of the NE innervation to the hippocampus accentuates and enhancement of the 5-HT innervations attenuates the sensitivity to barbital narcosis, whereas ACh innervations have no effect on the sensitivity to barbital narcosis, and (b) the unusually high sensitivity of BALB mice to barbital may not be related to its unique NE innervations.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)93-98
Number of pages6
JournalBrain Research Bulletin
Issue number1
StatePublished - 1995
Externally publishedYes


FundersFunder number
Israeli Anti Drug Authority
National Institute on Drug AbuseR01DA006670
U.S. Public Health Service


    • Barbital narcosis
    • Cholinergic innervations
    • Frontal cortex
    • Hippocampus
    • Mice strains
    • Neuron transplantation
    • Noradrenergic innervations
    • Serotonergic innervations


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