Neuroleptic-induced lateral asymmetry of visual evoked potentials in schizophrenia

M. Mintz, R. Tomer, M. S. Myslobodsky

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25 Scopus citations


Electrophysiological studies have shown asymmetric brain reactivity in schizophrenia, supporting the hypothesis of left hemisphere hyperarousal in this disease. It may be assumed, therefore, that neuroleptic treatment restores hemispheric balance in schizophrenic patients by selectively suppressing the hyperactive left hemisphere. This hypothesis was tested in the present study which compared bilaterally recorded visual evoked potentials (VEP) in 9 non-medicated patients and 29 schizophrenics treated with various neuroleptic drugs, as well as in 34 normal controls. In medicated patients later VEP components showed enhancement over the right hemisphere as a function of the overall dose (chlorpromazine equivalent) of neuroleptics. Reversed asymmetry was seen in drug-free patients. In view of this result, some amendments of the concept of left hemisphere hyperactivity in schizophrenia are proposed.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)815-828
Number of pages14
JournalBiological Psychiatry
Issue number7
StatePublished - 1982


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