Mucosal considerations for osseointegrated implants

Zvi Artzi*, Haim Tal, Ofer Moses, Avital Kozlovsky

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64 Scopus citations


Tissue resistance is determined by the nature of cells and intercellular contacts irrespective of the presence or absence of keratinization, masticatory mucosa, or skin. However, these tissues are more easily maintained and less vulnerable to inflammation when in contact with dental implants. Lack of masticatory mucosa and the presence of alveolar mucosa embracing the implant are often associated with plaque, which can induce inflammation resulting in subsequent peri-implant destruction. To facilitate proper mechanical oral hygiene maintenance, transplantation of autogenous masticatory mucosal grafts at the implant sites was performed in patients without attached gingiva, unfavorable vestibulum with submucosal muscular activity, and uncontrolled peri-implant mucositis. The rationale for having attached mucosa around osseointegrated implants and illustration of possible methods of mucosal management in the different phases of implant rehabilitation are presented.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)427-432
Number of pages6
JournalJournal of Prosthetic Dentistry
Issue number5
StatePublished - Nov 1993


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